TPPC Membership is by application. The membership form is on the website and available at the Club. Please be sure to print on the form to make sure the information can be read.
Membership fee is $120 per year. Membership is from March through February. Those who are new to TPPC and join later in the year will pay a pro rata cost beginning in September.
Eligible Discounts to Members:
Attending 7 monthly Club meetings (All attendance credits accumulated on a calendar year basis.)
Attending 6 Range Maintenance Nights
Performing 6 Lead Tray Cleaning/Mining
Membership requirements are as follows:
No felony background
Not currently charged with a Class ‘A’ or ‘B’ misdemeanor
Must be a member of the NRA or another national or state recognized gun rights organization
Not adjudicated as a participant in any domestic violence
Not adjudicated with any mental problems
No history of any activity which would create disturbance in a family setting where women and children are present
A new member must also go through a mandatory safety orientation at the Club. This is done after the Saturday or Thursday Club meeting. The orientation will discuss gun safety, basic handgun usage, range safety and operation procedures. There is a written test to document the information that is reviewed. The test will be kept on file. The range test is also required for any guest that a member brings to the range for the first time. The orientation will include a tour of the range and facilities.
A new member must also show proficiency with a firearm. The live fire of a firearm will be conducted with one of the Club range safety officers during the orientation. A person is excluded from showing firearm proficiency if they:
Are former military
Are former/current police, sheriff or security
Possess a License to Carry (formerly concealed handgun license).
The Club holds a business meeting on the first Saturday of every month, at 8:30 AM and on the Thursday after the 1st Saturday at 07:00pm. If you attend at least seven of the twelve meetings per year, you will earn a $25 discount on your membership renewal.
Membership renewals happen at the March Club meetings (and afterwards for those who don’t make the March meeting). You will need to attend a safety refresher orientation (attend one of the new member safety orientations from September through February). You will not be allowed to renew your membership if you do not attend a safety refresher training session. Safety classes are offered following the monthly meetings. You also need to bring a membership renewal form, your 2nd Amendment affiliation card and the appropriate membership dues (cash/check/credit card) for membership renewal. Mailing in membership renewal is no longer allowed.